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Multiply is personal evangelism training for churches, groups or individuals with a focus on disciple making, leading to multiplying movement. it's so important in these days to not only lead people to Jesus, but also to baptise them and journey with them as they begin to follow Jesus. As the Great Commission was given Jesus said we are to go and make disciples, to baptise them, and most importantly, teach them to obey all the things He commanded.​


Western society has changed dramatically in the last decade and Ireland has perhaps seen the most profound shift of all. Therefore, as believers desire to be faithful to the great commission, new (yet more ancient and biblical) approaches in evangelism/disciple making must be implemented. The Multiply journey helps believers to combine personal evangelism, disciple making (from the first point of contact) and regular small family like gatherings, through which those exploring faith can connect, grow and multiply. Why is this important? Because as people begin a faith journey they need to be in a spiritual family context where opportunities are given, and character, faith and the way of Jesus is modelled. As Jesus invited people to journey with him, they witnessed his authentic life up close and that made a huge impact. As Jesus followers we are called to do likewise today, why, because the greatest apologetic of our day is authenticity!!!


The Multiply Journey:


  • Know Your Spiritual DNA:

Explore who God has created you to be and learn how to use methods that fit your unique personality.


  • Share Your Faith Effectively:

Learn the best methods for sharing your faith in simple, conversational ways that draw people towards Jesus while causing them to engage with the big issues of life in view of eternity!


  • Simple Disciple Making:

​Begin to lead people on a journey of discovery and wonder as they begin to discover Jesus, His work and His words. As we study the methods Jesus and the early Church used, we'll see that a consistent and developing journey is the most fruitful way to lead new believers into a life long commitment to follow Jesus.​


  • Igniting Disciple Making Movement (DMM):

Fuelling a passion for multiplying disciples, homes, and hubs. Learn principles and practices which will lead towards a multiplying disciple making movement in Ireland.


Exploring how to share your faith in a way that produces multiplying movement is a crucial element of the Christian life. It is when we live as disciples, prayerfully partnering with the Holy Spirit in this way, that Christ centred Kingdom movement will bring transformation to society...​


So get in touch for more info or sign up to our regular updates to know of training dates in advance


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